Business & Finance

Write off bad debts

Authority to write off bad debts, subject to the availability of reserves, specific income, or an appropriation for that purpose.

Write off disallowed Sponsored Project charges

Authority to fund disallowed claims of any amount that arise from performance of sponsored projects. Costs charged to sponsored funds that will not be collected from the sponsor or that which must be refunded for reasons of unallowability, unallocability, a dispute with the sponsor, or other reasons, must be paid from University unrestricted funds. Funds received from the federal government in reimbursement of indirect costs are University unrestricted funds and may be used to fund such disallowed claims.

Waive subrogation rights, NASA

Authority to solicit and accept or execute any grants or contracts containing the NASA Waiver of Subrogation Rights

Execute Certifications of Application for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Intended to facilitate the submission of properly authorized HMGP applications for consideration by OES and FEMA

Declare official intent to reimburse capital expenditures from proceeds of indebtedness

Relates to capital improvement projects or capital purchases (including building and/or equipment acquisition) from the proceeds of future taxable or tax- exempt debt obligations to be issued by The Regents.

Administration of University housing facilities

Authority to set rents and fees with the understanding that the net revenues from such rents and other fees, after payment of operating expenses, will at all times be sufficient to meet debt service coverage and maintenance obligations contained in loan documents applicable to such housing facilities.