Khira Griscavage, Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer (CERCO)/Associate Chancellor provides facilitation/leadership to the campus community on the communication of compliance risks and, where appropriate, advice and counsel to the Chancellor and senior management on matters of compliance and ethics. Reporting to the Chancellor and to the Senior Vice President/Chief Compliance and Audit Officer at the Office of the President, the CERCO has independent authority and autonomy necessary to objectively provide a review and evaluation of compliance issues across all campus activities.
- Advises the Chancellor on the development, dissemination and implementation of an appropriate compliance infrastructure with performance metrics that are designed to detect and prevent non-compliant or unethical conduct through the campus.
- Co-chairs, with the EVCP, the Compliance, Accountability, Risk and Ethics (CARE) Committee.
- Coordinates ethics and compliance activities and program initiatives with the Senior Vice President/Chief Compliance and Audit Officer at the Office of the President.
- Supervises the Office of Ethics, Risk, and Compliance Services (OERCS).
The CERCO can be contacted at