Director - Real Estate Development and Portfolio

(2233) Authority to negotiate, approve and execute real property easements and rights of way

are revocable on not more than 180 days notice; provide utility services exclusively to the University, regardless of revocability; or comprise not more than 5,000 square ft. of University land.

(2232) Authority to negotiate, approve and execute licenses for use of real property

Authority to approve and execute licenses of real property, including facilities use agreements; not to exceed 5 years when UC is licensee and 10 years including options when UC is licensor; annual consideration does not exceed $350,000.

(2231) Authority to negotiate, approve and execute University-related real property rental agreements (leases)

Maximum lease duration of 5 years excluding options when UC is tenant and 5 years (10 years with options) when UC is landlord; annual consideration not to exceed $350,000